Organizing standards
Design competition benefits
Competition guidelines
Design competition benefits

Design competition benefits


It builds valuable image capital and indirect economic development

The design competition’s outcome brings added value beyond the objective of a certain investment. A successfully completed design competition publicly announces the adoption of a vision which brings together the interests of public and private actors, and which benefits from the trust of the public and the professional community.

It involves the community

All advantages and disadvantages of different possible approaches for a given investment objective are explained in the public consultation phases involving all stakeholders. Thus, the competition ensures an integrated vision through which the interests of the community are represented and promoted by the urban policy of the administration.

It builds trust and political capital

Public projects can be carried out without the suspicion of bias through design competitions. The adoption of this procedure also stands as a proof of the trust the public authority offers to the professionals with whom it works and in whose experience it must rely.

It ensures the transparency of the procurement procedure

Design competitions ensure transparency in all their stages and complete anonymity providing equal opportunities to participants.

It promises visibility

Design competitions easily arouse the public interest and become media events right from early preparation stages, ensuring the best possible communication strategy of the investment. Design competitions help the investment even before it becomes truly visible.

It brings in many options

The professional debate of the jury seeks to identify the best project, from a multitude of approaches and designs addressing the challenges of the competition brief.

It is based on professional expertise

Through the competition, the client receives support and information regarding the Jury’s decision, consisting of a professionals’ majority recognized in a certain specialization.

Generates performance

The selection process based on the quality of the design also ensures the right team to implement the project, based on the professional decision of a Jury whose experience and performance are recognized by the entire professional community.

Attracts professionalism

By being open to the whole profession, the design competition can reveal articulated and innovative voices, both among ​​young offices and by challenging already established architects to reposition themselves.


Organizing a design competition in collaboration with the Romanian Order of Architects is the best way to benefit from all the advantages of a design competition’s results, having our organization’s experience at hand and the “quality certification” provided by working together with us.

Together, we will establish a flexible collaboration model for preparing the competition, adapted to your expectations and needs and relying on a decade’s experience in design competition procedures.

Quality guarantee through OAR

By benefiting from our support, you will transmit a clear message to the participating competitors: they will have the certainty that the conduct of the design competition will be efficient and fair, adhering to our good practice standards.

Promoting the competition

Our organization is nationally and internationally affiliated to similar organizations around the world, which acts as a network for communicating news about the competition.



If you wish to organize a competition or find out information on the procedure, contact us at [email protected].

3 Competition guidelines