2020 Reclaiming the River, Bucharest

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Between the 21st and the 23rd of August 2020 the competition jury debated and decided the results for the International Design Competition ”Revitalizing Splaiul Unirii – Mărășești – Timpuri Noi – Mihai Bravu – RECLAIMING THE RIVER”, competition officially launched on the 21st of May 2020. The competition promoter is the Bucharest Sector 3 City Hall. The competition was organised by the the Bucharest Office of the Order of Architects in Romania (OAR_B) through the Bucharest Architecture Annual in partnership with the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR).

The Press Conference announcing the winners took place on Monday the 24th of August 2020, 11:00 (GMT+3), the ”Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest.


1st PRIZE: the design contract with an estimated value of 180 000 RON, VAT exclusive
2nd PRIZE: RON 33.613,44
3rd PRIZE: RON 18.907,56

The three winning projects are as follows:



Main authors: Arh. Oana MOGA, Arh. Jacqueline CUZINO, Arh. Șerban PATRULIUS
Coauthors: Ing. Peisagist Alexandru BALAȘ , Arh. Cristina MARCU
Architecture Collaborators: Arh. Cristina DINU,  Arh. Alexandra PISLARU, Arh. Nicoara STOENESCU, Toma ARANGHELOVICI, Andreea STANCIU, Andarda VIJAICA
Specialties Collaborators: eng. Valentin Archip – structural engineer

The proposal bases its intervention on a comprehensive analysis of the urban fabric of Bucharest, in order to develop a contextual logic derived from the larger city context, the macro level, and to apply the findings to the micro level of the competition area. The Dambovita river is far from its potential as a generator for urban activities. The proposal offers two focused interventions to resolve the lack of urban qualities. To maximize the number of pedestrian connections across the river and to transform the concrete river banks into a vivid ecosystem, a vertical garden.

The bridges are placed in strategic positions and dimensioned to foster social interaction as public outdoor scenes for spontaneous in situ events. The colorful garden is solved by hanging planters in order to utilize the dynamic water level. Together the two interventions are offering a free canvas for interaction, rather than presenting an intentional proposal for the usage of space.

In this sense, the jury acknowledges the clarity of the presented concept, particularly to its recognition of the key contextual deviancies that have to be solved as a condition for the successful transformation of the site into an inviting, generous place. The character of the presented interventions is at the same time both minimal and bold, and distinguishes itself from the other competition entries, which rely on a multitude of interventions and outdoor furnishing and thus loose in conceptual significance.” – Jury feedback


Project no. 54 – BI2024 – S.C. BAZA. Deschidem orașul SRL in partnership with INTERSCALAR V.O.F., Olanda, reprezentant Claudiu FORGACI, coautori

Main authors: Emilia Maria Duda

Coauthors: Matei Bogoescu, Dragoș Dordea, Claudiu Forgaci, Teodora Ganea, Ana Dincă, Zenaida Elena Florea, Andrei Cumpănășoiu

Architecture collaborators: Anca Ioana Forgaci, Judit Taraba

”The proposal shows a thorough understanding of the assignment. The proposed interventions and long-term vision are underpinned by detailed understanding and elaboration of the broader context. You have identified and contextualized the existing and possible new crossings, acknowledging the importance of enhancing the social cohesion between the different neighborhoods. Furthermore, the possibility of expanding the platform structure into constructing bridges, thus enhancing the connection between the two areas, is highly appreciated. However, the development of the platform into a bridge has not been detailed in the proposal. – Jury feedback


Project no. 53 – CO3110 – SC ART TEST DESIGN SRL


”A “How to do it project” that is very practical and has a hands-on approach on the way you can reclaim the river through floating connectors. These temporary bridges serve also as a space for other activities and sustain a direct usage of the surface of the water for allsorts of leisure and cultural activities.

The manner of the graphical presentation is original and follows a manual of implementation presented always from the point of view of the constructor and further on presented from the experience of its users, highlighting the idea that the project is meant to respond to the demands and requirements of them. The project shows attention to technical details that are important for better accessibility and usage.Through its modularity it can also respond well in time to new adjustments through negotiation and the risk of having a fixed, frozen shape of intervention that can be accepted or not by the inhabitants is avoided. This form of dialogue is an invitation to different scales of social interaction that acts as a catalyst for the actual appropriation of the interventions here. To conclude, this project acts as an urban hack that opens a lot of opportunities regarding the constant negotiation of the public common spaces in the city.” – Jury feedback

The main objective of the competition is to select the best design concept for Splaiul Unirii, in the area between the Mărășești bridge and the Mihai Bravu bridge, in order to create a vibrant public space, addressed to the increasing number of users and an attractive context for a quality urban development of the area.

Following this competition, the Sector 3 City Hall will contract the design services of the authors for the purpose of a quality intervention.

The Competition is organized in accordance with the Competition Rules of the International Union of Architects – UIA – and the provisions of the International Regulations for architecture and urban design Competitions, adopted at the General Conference of UNESCO in 1956, as revised on November 27, 1978, the provisions of the Guide of good practice in organizing OAR design competitions, published in 2018, in compliance with the legal provisions in force regarding the award of public procurement contracts.

The design competition is organized as an independent procedure, in accordance with art. 105 letter a) of Law no. 98/2016 regarding public procurement, and subsequently, pursuant to provisions under art. 104 para. (7) of the same law, the design services contract is to be awarded to the winner of the competition, following a negotiation procedure without prior publication of a participation announcement.


Full members:

  • arch. Jette Cathrin Hopp
  • landscape arch. Victor Dijkshoorn
  • arch. Marius Cătălin Moga
  • landscape arch. Vera Dobrescu
  • arch. Mihai Vărzan

Deputy members:

  • arch. Alex Axinte

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Press contact:
arch. Iulia CUCU
e-mail: [email protected]
tel: (+4) 0730.092.199