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The Architect’ s hourly rate calculator
The Architect’ s hourly rate calculator

The Architect’ s hourly rate calculator

This tool is integral part of the Design Cost Information System.

The aim of the user’s guide is to clarify how the hourly rate is calculated drawing exclusively on the costs incurred by an architectural practice. Further on, the term “architectural practice” covers any legal form an architectural design studio in Romania may have: from individual architectural practices (sole-traderships) to companies. The hourly rate can be calculated by any practice, it is specific for the respective practice at that given moment, and it does not represent a price. It can indicate, however, the price limit over which a project becomes profitable.

Important! The price is established by the market, through the negotiation between the contracting parties. The price is influenced by a series of items, among which the value that the buyer subjectively attributes to the service provider. Different clients can pay differently the same architect, or the same client can pay differently the same architect for different projects.