2023 Victoriei Square, Timișoara

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The jury evaluation of the projects submitted in the VICTORIEI SQUARE, Timișoara International Design Competition, officially launched on 11th of July 2023, took place between the 13th and 15th of October. The Competition was organized by the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR), with the support of Timiș Territorial Branch of OAR and the Contracting Authority – The Municipality of Timișoara.

The main objective of the competition was to select the best project for the design and modernization of Victoriei Square and of the streets in the citadel area, for the award of the design services contract.     

For several years, The City Hall of Timișoara has been trying to rehabilitate this space, on which several fragmented maintenance and repair interventions and local improvements have been contracted and are underway. The challenge of the competition consists of formulating a solution for the development of the public space that is respectful of the built heritage, of all the layers that history has deposited in this space and in harmony with the elements of the urban landscape.  

The aim of the competition is to encourage the participants to find the maximum potential for each of the needs of Victoriei Square and seek a fair balance between the perennial values of the history and space of Victoriei Square and the possibilities of innovation in accordance with the contemporary way of thinking and usage of the public space.  The results of the competition were announced on Monday, 16th of October, at 13.00 PM, during a press conference hosted by Bastion 3, Timișoara. The event was live streamed on the official Facebook page of the Organizer, OAR Competitions:


1st Prize: The estimated value of the design services  contract, 1.500.000 EUR, without VAT (7,415,850.00 LEI without VAT).
2nd Prize: 30.000 EUR without VAT (148.317 LEI)
3rd Prize: 15.000 EUR without VAT (74.158,50 LEI)
1st Mention: 7.500 EUR without VAT (37.079,25 LEI)
2nd Mention: 7.500 EUR without VAT (37.079,25 LEI)    

Following the Jury debates the winning projects were selected: 


Project no. 109 – V1111 – STUDIO ARCA SRL & PRODID SRL

Main authors: arch. Radu Golumba (STUDIO ARCA), arch. Șerban Sturdza (PRODID)
Co-authors: arch. Mihaela Rusuleț, arch. Luminița Pascu, arch. Daniel Ursu, arch. Alexandra Stan, arch. Lucian Cărăbaș, arch. Andrei Simonescu, arch. Ligia Gherman, arch. Cristian Moțiu, arch. Doina Sturdza, arch. Dan Cioclu, arch. Ioana Cioclu, arch. Mika Nilich, arch. Ovidiu Serghe, arch. Daria Petrașcu, arch. Mihnea Tudor, arch. Ruxandra Vasile
Architectural collaborators: arch. Felix Pantalici, arch. Florin Gherman, arch. Claudiu Oprița, arch. Alexandru Barbu, stud. arch. Adela Mustață, stud. arch. Alexandru Tudoroiu
Specialty collaborators: landscape arch. Nicolas Triboi, landscape arch. Andrei Condoroș, ing. Cornel Farcaș, ing. Sergiu Tămaș.

“This project is a testament to the harmonious convergence of contemporary urban life with nature. From a broad perspective, the jury lauded the preservation of the square’s typological specificity—embodying the concept of a “city-center square-garden”. The space was evaluated holistically, subsequently identifying four distinctive environments and the challenges inherent to each. These challenges were addressed with delicacy and a modern touch. Both the cathedral and the Opera house transcended mere two-dimensional urban flat image; they were perceived as integral components of the square, whose corresponding segments of the public space are skillfully delineated.” – appreciation of the Jury 


Project no. 113 – DR5414 – DRS ARCHITECTS SRL

Main author: arch. Cosmin Gălățianu
Co-authors: arch. Cristian Beșliu, arch. Andrei Ovidiu Lefter
Architectural collaborators: arch. Dan Bălinisteanu, arch. George Nasta, arch. Cristina Costea, arch. Teodora Escu, arch. Sorana Negulescu, arch. Mihnea Munteanu
Specialty collaborators: ing. Horia Mihnea

“The project builds upon the inherent character of the “square-garden”, but with an entirely fresh approach that introduces a novel organization and conception of space. The inventive methodology is lauded, as it unveils new opportunities for interaction amongst users and between users and the urban-landscape milieu. The proposal is based on intensive accessibility. 

The pronounced longitudinal orientation of the solution facilitates a clear, adeptly articulated division between the central and peripheral zones of the square. Simultaneously, it accommodates diverse circulation routes in all directions. Present, significant green, public space in this proposal morphs into an interactive zone, receptive to varied utilization scenarios – a democratic realm that beckons engagement.” – appreciation of the Jury 


Project no. 127 – PV0300 – SIMPLE ARCHITECTURE SRL

Main authors: arch. Boca Ștefania, arch. Chioran Bogdan
Co-authors: arch. Muntean David, arch. Afloarei Ioana
Architectural collaborators: arch. Pintea Dan Andrei
Specialty collaborators: eng. Peisagist Manoilă Andreea

“The project begins with the idea of transforming the existing square into a memorial park. Recognizing Victoriei Square as the symbolic birthplace of Romania’s liberation, the new design seeks to emphasize this historical significance in the collective memory by turning the square into a commemorative space. The jury believes the project conveys a simple yet strong and potent message. It responds with a sophisticated and cohesive design, potently crafting a contemplative space. Drawing from spatial analysis, the project seamlessly integrates historical layers into its design.” – appreciation of the Jury 


Project no. 128 – TM1989 – FILIP S CONCEPT SRL

Main author: Filip Iounț Radu, Hotea Timotei
Co-authors: Boancă Păunița Iuliana, Pașca Georgiana Alexandra, Galeșanu Eduard, Rohian Cătălina, Mojolic Gabriela, Illyés Hannah Lilla, Meszaros David Csaba
Architectural collaborators: S.C. LAU Studio S.R.L., THEISS MARIE ELISABETH
Specialty collaborators: S.C. Păunița Boancă Arhitectura Peisajului S.R.L. – landscape architecture

“The jury values this solution because it combines and emphasizes the specific character of the “garden-square” with enhanced accessibility. The project promotes inclusiveness and pedestrian traffic.  The space in front of the cathedral is recognized as an entrance area, while the space in front of the opera building is designated as a memorial space, and is marked by a small but conceptually and symbolically strong intervention.”  – appreciation of the Jury 


Project no. 114 – TE3785 – ARHITECTURA DE FOTOGRAFIE SRL (leader), Atelier Vrac SRL, Wolfhouse Productions SRL, AMAIS Inclusive Design and Architecture SRL, RPR Birou de studii contemporane SRL (associates)

Main authors: Arhitectura de Fotografie SRL, Atelier Vrac SRL, Wolfhouse Productions SRL, AMAIS Inclusive Design and Architecture SRL, RPR Birou de studii contemporane SRL 
Co-authors: arch. Marius Vasile, arch. Pepe Peralta Guererro, arch. Cristi Bădescu, arch. Zenaida-Elena Florea, landscape arch. Diana Culescu, urb. Iulian Canov, arch. Andreea Petre, arch. Ștefan Sălăvăstru, dr. arch. Iris Popescu
Architectural collaborators: Alexandru Cătăuță, Andrei Cumpănășoiu, Casian Ciurezu
Specialty collaborators: landscape arch. Andrei Niculae, guide Alexandru Binescu (History of Timișoara Revolution consultancy), dr. arch. Iris Popescu (Inclusive design and accessibility consultancy) 

“This project deserves recognition for its strong and clear idea of directly extending the park space, enveloping the cathedral, and entering the city through Victoriei Square. In this way, the square clearly becomes a green gateway to the city’s old center. This green entrance is subsequently extended through the square by a green linear system, which also incorporates the side streets. The jury appreciates this concept, which accentuates the “garden-square” character inherent to Victoriei Square.” – appreciation of the Jury

The Contracting Authority of the competition is The Municipality of Timișoara, the beneficiary of the project which will be contracted following the competition. 

The competition is organized by the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR), in accordance with the OAR Good Practices Guide for Design Competitions (edited in Romanian – Ghidul de bune practici în organizarea concursurilor de soluții OAR, rev. 2022), in compliance with the provisions of the legislation in force regarding the award of public procurement contracts. The Design Competition is a public, single-stage competition, open to Romania, all countries of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, and to the Swiss Confederation. The design competition is organized as an independent procedure, in accordance with art. 105 letter a) of Law no. 98/2016 regarding public procurement, and subsequently, pursuant to provisions under art. 104 para. (7) of the same law, the design services contract is to be awarded to the winner of the competition, following a negotiation procedure without prior publication of a participation announcement. 


Full members:

  • arch. Ana Sverko 
  • arch. Maria Chiara Pozzana
  • arch. Maruša Zorec
  • urb. Gruia Bădescu 
  • arch. Dragoș Oprea
  • arch. Ciprian Silviu Cădariu
  • arch. Gabriel Almăjan – Representative of the Contracting Authority            

Deputy members:

  • arch. Monica Sebestyen
  • Vice Mayor Ruben Lațcău – Representative of the Contracting Authority

Apart from the jury, the following persons were present without voting rights:

  • arch. Daniela Calciu, arch. Kázmér Kovács – Professional Advisors; 
  • arch. Mirona Crăciun – OAR Competitions Counsellor, Competition Coordinator; 
  • arch. Raisa Parpală – OAR Competitions; 
  • urb. Louisiana Stoica – OAR Competitions. 

Find out more on the official competition website:

For more news about our organization please follow the official Romanian Order of Architects Facebook page:

For the latest news on the competition follow our official OAR Competitions Facebook page:

Press contact:
Ghergheșel Marta
e-mail: [email protected]